Monday, March 7, 2011

It's a GIRL!

She's finally here! Clare Elizabeth Whatley was born on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 2:11 pm. She weighed 7 lbs., 12 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. It's been a whirlwind since she was born and I'm just now feeling organized enough to take the time to upload pictures and update the blog, 3 weeks later. Here's the story of labor, delivery and our new home life...

The day before Clare was born I had a doctor's appointment to see how things were progressing. I was still dilated 2 cm. but hadn't made any other progress from the week before. We went ahead and scheduled an induction for that Friday, February 18th, which was the original due date. That evening I started to have mild contractions, but they weren't frequent nor strong enough to warrant a call to the doctor. So, I went ahead to bed to try to get some rest. At 4:00 in the morning I had a strong contraction that got me out of bed. At this point the contractions started coming every 4-5 minutes and were increasing in strength. I woke Andrew up at 5:00 and we went ahead and placed a call to the doctor. At this point the contractions were starting to come every 3 minutes so we decided to go ahead to Northside even though we hadn't yet heard back from the doctor.

We arrived at Northside a little after 6:00 and were in our room filling out paperwork by 6:30. Let me go ahead and give Northside hospital a big shout out, they are VERY efficient! We did not wait long at all to be admitted and shown to our room. At this point the doctors and nurses were able to check on us and I was 4 cm. dilated and in active labor. I wanted the epidural, so our nurses set up an IV and collected blood to get that ball rolling. We had the most amazing labor and delivery nurse and student intern. They helped us feel relaxed and treated us incredibly well. We are very thankful to have had such a wonderful staff of nurses and doctors...again, props to Northside! At 8:30 the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural and by this point I was 7 cm. I only had to endure about 4 1/2 hours of hard, active labor! The rest of my labor was smooth sailing. I pushed through 2 1/2 contractions (about 10 minutes) and at 2:11 pm my amazing husband had the honor of getting to announce 'It's a GIRL!' in the delivery room! By far one of the best moments of my life.

We were in the hospital for 2 days and our family and friends had the opportunity to come by and meet Clare. The best part was that all 4 grandparents were able to come to the hospital the day she was born to meet her!

Andrew's parents, Maw and Poppy, holding Clare for the first time.

My mom, Mimi, rocking Clare in the hospital.

My dad, Boompa, rocking Clare after we got home from the hospital.

At the end of our stay we were ready to head home and give this parenting thing a try. Andrew had taken a week off from work and was able to be at home with us helping out. He is the best diaper changer I know! I really didn't want him to head back to had been so nice to have a partner in taking care of the baby. It's funny how a little 7 pound baby can terrify you so much when you're left alone with her! So, I brought in the mom took a few days off of work to help out as Clare and I transitioned to not having Andrew around. This was such a huge help! I could take a shower or walk outside for a breath of fresh air when I needed to. Having family nearby to not only share special moments with but also to enlist for help when needed is priceless. Andrew and I are both so fortunate to have both of our families close and we appreciate all they've done for us!

Clare is now 3 weeks old. I can't believe the time has already gone by this quickly! On one hand it seems like an eternity ago that I was pregnant, and the last few weeks are a kind of sleep-deprived haze, but it's also unbelievable that she's already a week shy of being a month old. I'm going to try to update the blog at least once a month to keep up with her pictures as she grows this first year! A big thanks to everyone who has brought us dinner, gifts and come by to spend time with Clare. We love you all and are so glad that our daughter is going to grow up surrounded by so many wonderful people. Here are a few pictures of our first few weeks with our new little girl.

Heading out for our first family walk. It was Andrew's turn to carry the baby's weight on his stomach. :)

Our little girl definitely has a set of lungs on her! I guess I should have expected this when you combine my genes with Andrew's...

Our sweet little girl. We're looking forward to watching you grow up, Clare!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I love all of the pictures and can already see changes from the last time I saw her. The picture with her eyes open at the end of the post is precious. I also love the one with Andrew, Marley and Clare-so sweet. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
